Please take this banner with a link back  to this site.
Or if you rather you can just place MLM Voting Booth somewhere on you site.

This Is the entrance to MLM voting booth.

I'm not to good with words so i'll get to the point,
I started having problems with my mail getting to the e-groups the day I sent them , so I decided to build this page as a backup.
Many of us have worked hard on our pages and would like for them to be seen. That is why we enter them into contests. Well having them in contest to never be seen because of the slowness of some e-groups,I won't mention any yahoo  names. (Opps,I didn't say that, did I? :O)) defents the purpose.

OK this is how MLM works.
Below is a short form to fill out with your Name,Site Name and competitions.I will gather this information and place on the MLM board. There is also a message board for you to sign stating that you have voted,by doing so you have agreed to vote for everyone that signs the message board in order to use this booth. Please do not go to the message board stating you voted when you didn't. That is not fair to those that are HONEST and are doing there part.
Message Board is on Voting page.

If  anyone is interested there is also a   Chat Room.  

Please bookmark this page and tell your friends.

Ok I believe that's about it for now. O' Yeah, If you have any suggestion or comments, please let me know on the message board. After all this is your board.
My E-mail




Site Name:

Avalon Adventures:
Site Name:

Site Url:

Competition url 1:

Site Name:

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Competition url 2:

Avalon Spirit Pages:
Site Name :

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Site Name:

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Battle of the ancients:
Site Name

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Site Name:

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Camelot Dreams:
Site Name


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Site Name:

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Fantasy Fights:
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Competition url 1:

Site Name:

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Competition url 2:

Golden Delight:
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Site Name:

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Little Dragon Castle:
Site Name:

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The Cyrpt Wars:
Site Name:

Site Url:

Competition url 1:

Site Name:

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Competition url 2:

The Site Fights:
Site Name:

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Competition url 1:

Site Name:

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Competition url 2:

Site Fights Spirit Pages:
Site Name:

Site Url:

Competition url 1:

Site Name:

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Competition url 2:

Site Wars :
Site Name:

Site Url:

Competition url 1:

Site Name:

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Competition url 2:

Site Wars Spirit Pages:
Site Name:

Site Url:

Competition url 1:

Site Name:

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Competition url 2:

The Rumbles:
Site Name:

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Site Name:

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Competition url 2:

The Web Brawls:
Site Name:

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Top Sites
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Top Sites
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